Estimated duration: 60 min. without dissemination
Aims of this module: to learn what is vaccine and what are the types of it; to discover and follow long history of creating and introducing vaccines; to be aware of the vaccines effects; to connect scientists with their discoveries; to get to know what vaccination policy is and how foes it work in different countries of the world; to boost creativity and group work
„Vaccines timeline”
Duration: 20 min.
Group size: around 20 – 28 people
Materials: big room, pieces of paper with year glued to the floor, Infographic 1 (cut out into pieces according to the numbers of participants), bowl/hat to use for withdrawing
Before the start of the activity, the facilitator prepares the room – on separated pieces of paper they write down year (appendix 1) and stick them to the floor chronologically. Next the facilitator cuts out the description of the events (eliminating the year) and puts all the paper in the bowl to be withdrawn by participants. Once the exercise starts the participants take one piece of paper and their task is to find correct year of their withdrawn event, where they place themselves next to. The participants can talk, read their „story” out loud and help each other finding the right spot. When the facilitator makes sure the group is ready, they check out the result with the appendix 1.
Hints for The Facilitator:
- Prepare the dates and the „events” from Infographic 1 beforehand.
- Make sure you have a big room, so the 28 dates on the floor create a timeline.
- Announce the amount of time allocated to this exercise before the participants start.
- You can decrease the number of the dates/events and adjust them to the number of participants (if they are less than the dates)
- In case of more participants, another alternation to this exercise can be connecting year with the event, meaning that half of the participants withdraw a paper with year and the second part with a description of an event and they have to pair up.
- You can ask follow up questions such as: How was this activity for you?; Are you happy with the result?; What helped/disturbed with accomplishing it?; What surprised you? What fact did you remember the most?
„Decoding VACCINE”
Duration: around 30 min. (including presentation time)
Group size: around 30 people
Materials: Flip charts, colourful cardboards, markers, colourful paper, glue, scissors, devices with Internet access, graphic apps or programs
The Facilitator divides participants into smaller teams of 4-5 people, asking them to prepare poster/infographic on following topics:
- Explain what the vaccine is and why we call it so?
- Positive effects of vaccinations
- Adverse effects of vaccinations
- Types of vaccine: inactivated, attenuated, viral vector – provide examples
- Types of vaccine: toxoid, subunit, conjugate – provide examples
- Types of vaccine: heterotypic, RNA, experiential – provide examples
- Anti – vaccine movement – what is it, what caused it, its goals
After all the posters are ready, each group presents their work. The Facilitator makes sure all the info are fact based and in case of any doubt or question clarifies it.
Hints for The Facilitator:
- Remember to remind groups to work together, make their work aesthetic and based on reliable informations.
- It’s up to the facilitator to decide wether they prepare infographics manual or using the graphic apps or programs
- They can use following sources:
„Vaccines Personas”
Duration: 10 min.
Group size: Any
Materials: Infographic 2 printed out for each of the participants or computer with internet and projector to play the quiz: https://www.historyofvaccines.org/content/pioneer-breakthroughs
After all the activities The Facilitator presents the participants the quiz (infographic 2 or link) , where they have to connect a person with a disease they created a vaccine against. At the end the facilitator shows/gives the correct answers.
Hints for The Facilitator:
- You can choose the form of this activity – individually on the paper of together using the given link
- You can ask following questions: Are you familiar with the diseases and the scientists who helped to fight them by creating the vaccines? What moments in the history of vaccines you consider the most important? What is your personal opinion about vaccines and vaccination?
Activity „Vaccinations around the world”
Duration: around 40 min.
Group size: Any
Materials: Pieces of paper, pens, paints, crayons, markers/ devices with Internet access, graphic programs or apps
The Facilitator starts with explaining to the group what vaccination policy is:
„Vaccination policy is the health policy a government adopts in relation to vaccination. Vaccination policies have been developed over the approximately two centuries since the invention of vaccination with the purpose of eradicating disease from, or creating a herd immunity for, the population the government aims to protect. Vaccination advisory committees within each country are usually responsible for providing information to governments that is used to make evidence-based decisions regarding vaccine and immunization policy.
Vaccinations are voluntary in some countries and mandatory in others, with mandatory vaccination policies sometimes leading to opposition. Some governments pay for all or part of the costs of vaccinations in a national vaccination schedule. Cost-benefit analyses of vaccinations have shown that there is an economic incentive to implement vaccination policies as vaccinations can save a significant number of lives and costs.”*
Next, the facilitator divides the participants into smaller groups (of 4 people) and asks them to choose one country of the world and prepare a thorough research on the vaccination process in that country. The research should involve: general information about vaccination policy, which vaccines are mandatory or recommended, what is the vaccine schedule.
The results of the research should be presented in a graphic way of the participants choice, but preferably using the IT tools.
The research and its presentation can be creative, but at the same time it should be based on facts. Once the work is done, it can be used as an educative material to be posted on your organisation’s social media or shared on the educational portals or groups.