Modules are discussed in the city game interactive applications that we implemented with the trainers of the central tigers club, where 300 young athletes aged 13 to 25 who live in the center of Oslo participate in physical activities. The needs of the target audience were met, according to feedback from participants of the Startnow+ project outputs. It was ensured that the participants met with useful and meaningful activities within the context of the city game. Students have gained a better understanding of what and why in the field of health, as well as experience with project outcomes.
Awareness was created about the importance of personal devices that measure indicators of our health during the Start now project´s City Game activity.
Information has been given on how to use tracking devices to measure and understand the indicators of our health. In addition the consequences of consuming the energy drinks were discussed and how important it is to check the content of the drinks. The modules that were covered are “Geeky Health” and “To Boost or not to Boost”.
Young people that participated in the activity had learnt the new methods and how to understand better the health issues and how the body reacts to different external conditions.